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Center for Vascular & Developmental Biology

Oliver, Guillermo

Oliver, Guillermo

Professor of Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension)

Quaggin, Susan E

Quaggin, Susan E

Professor of Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension)

Savas, Jeffrey N

Savas, Jeffrey N

Assistant Professor of Neurology (Behavioral Neurology), Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension) and Pharmacology


My research interests are centered on elucidating the pathogenic mechanisms which drive synaptopathies and proteinopathies in the mammalian nervous system. As a first step, we use reductionist biochem... [more]

Simon, Hans-Georg

Simon, Hans-Georg

Associate Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics


After my PhD studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and postdoctoral training at Harvard I gained research experiences in academic and industrial settings. As a developmental biologist, at No... [more]

Sosa-Pineda, Beatriz

Sosa-Pineda, Beatriz

Professor of Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension)


I am a developmental biologist studying the molecular regulation of pancreas and liver organogenesis. I received a bachelor and Master’s degree in Biological Sciences from the National University of M... [more]

Thorp, Edward Benjamin

Thorp, Edward Benjamin

Professor of Pathology (Experimental Pathology)


Cell and Molecular Immunology and Cardiovascular Disease.

Wilsbacher, Lisa D

Wilsbacher, Lisa D

Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Pharmacology


Dr. Wilsbacher's research focuses on cardiac development and cardiomyocyte maintenance in the setting of pathological stress. Currently, the laboratory investigates the G protein-coupled receptor sphi... [more]

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